Aims and Scope of NJPLS
NOUN Journal of Physical and Life Sciences (NJPLS) is a joint publication of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, and Sciences of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). It accepts and publishes (in English language) high-quality articles, original research papers, review articles and short communications in all disciplines of Agricultural Science, Health and Behavioral Sciences, Physical, Computational, Biological and Environmental Sciences. It also accepts and publishes articles in cross-disciplinary fields, interfacing with science-based disciplines.
Handling/page charges
The handling and page charges are N5,000.00 and N15,000.00 respectively. International authors on the other hand should pay a total of $150 for both handling and page charges (handling charge: $30, page charges $120). The handling charge will be paid at the point of paper submission for review while the page charge will be paid on final submission of the paper after its acceptance.
All payments should be made on remita at to: Name of MDA: National Open University of Nigeria. Specify name of service / purpose as “Miscellaneous income”. Forward a copy of receipt of payment to the Editor-in-Chief at
All manuscripts are reviewed by two expert reviewers. The reviewers comment determines whether a paper will be accepted or rejected. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, as the journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within the shortest possible time. It is the goal of the NJPLS to publish manuscripts in the very next edition of the Journal after final submission.

Copyright: Submission of a manuscript implies: It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the work descried has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or thesis) or submitted for publication elsewhere.
If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.